Our global goals include providing a home for every homeless animal and educating people on how to treat animals responsibly.
We strive to improve the conditions in which animals are housed and cared for in shelters and to change the situation with homeless animals on our streets.
We develop a charitable culture among animal protection organizations with transparent terms of cooperation, purchasing, donations and reporting.
We provide comprehensive, high-quality assistance to homeless animals in shelters across the country. We help build aviaries, veterinary surgeries, stationary blocks for sick animals and furnish facilities for disabled animals to live with dignity. We fight to reduce the spread of the homeless animal population through humane and educational methods through a free sterilization program and information campaigns about the importance of sterilizing pets and popularizing the adoption of animals from shelters.
We are the only animal welfare organization in Ukraine that has been systematically conducting and organizing educational classes for children on responsible and humane treatment of animals for almost 11 years (since 23.06.2012).

We also support the reconstruction of shelters affected by Russian bombs and try to improve living conditions in shelters throughout Ukraine.

Donations from e4U

Donations from e4U will be used to buy antiparasitic medicines, vaccines, animal food, and the reconstruction of shelters.

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